07 April 2007
4:08 AM

First, sorry for letting my blog lapse and leaving the site to collect digital cobwebs.

I intend to begin posting my thoughts again, elsewhere.


Yes Darling, provocative isn't it?

05 January 2007
11:56 PM

Mother Nature & Mr Sunny gave me a lobster pink sunburn to kickstart the New Year.

On top of that, I spent New Year's Eve bawling my eyes out because I gave up my Topshop/Miss Selfridge/Warehouse/Diva/Ben Sherman/Dorothy Perkins 20% discount voucher. And I got half-seas-over honey green tea, mahjong and shrooms chicken I lovingly baked for Nicky love.

Then it's quiet doubleton goodness for us both on New Year day itself.


Oh God, I want my pictures back. I am definitely not taking well to having MY stuffs deleted from the computer. For the record, it isn't even YOUR computer. Next time, keep your fingers jammed in your asshole.


I bought myself 6 items from Body Shop. 6 heavenly, God-sent items. Clay masks, body mist, moisturizer...you name it! Nic would've flipped if she saw the total bill. Shopping with no strings attached, It felt SO good! It's the best thing, next to food, naturally. Speaking of which, dinner at Oscar's on Monday! And camp at East Coast tomorrow night of which I am so not looking forward to. Ok, bye, we're going for supper now, I think.

Shit, I'm pissed.

30 December 2006
11:05 PM

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup.

Daily life, for all its pedestrian routine, still takes me by surprise. It seems that the things you have to do invariably elbow out the things you want to do, if somewhat rudely and unapologetically. And you are left at the end of the year with the sore awareness of time passing you by.

I admit - I slack, and like many, I let life plod me along. Which is why, the end of the year is a very special time for me. Apart from the happy festivities and the carte blanche to shop, it is a time to take stock. This time of the year inevitably brings along a dose of the dismals, too.

As I inventory the experiences in 2006, I ponder on the challenges I faced, and the friends that came and went. Some held on, others let go. Their stay, each unique, whether long or short, has shaped the person I am today. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.

More often than not, I think about the friendships I failed to salvage. I still cannot say fervently that I made the right choice. But when it comes to friends, I don't believe in long good-byes, so, til we meet again. For those who stuck around, a toast to another year of friendship. (:

My mental list of New Year resolutions is filled with places to visit, things to do and above all, new experiences to be savoured and relished. I wanted to get a headstart this year, so I made my lists early. It brings me with a tingly jolt of excitement and anticipation for the coming year.

Singapore, 2006 is over.

& that, is a bold statement in every literal sense.

PS. Nic just doubled the dosage of dismals I'm experiencing by playing a very emotional rendition of The Beatles' Across The Universe. What an apt song to play as I pen this closing entry.

Ah, sweet melancholy. Fuck you Nic.

25 December 2006
11:15 PM

I know I'm Gay like that.

ON 051206
A couple of photomontage(s) in place of the words I could write about my Birthday.

I can't deny that I simply adore x infinity the gifts the ladies and the girl showered me. A BIG thank you ya'll!

Hazel's chosen victim to practise her 'Heimlich Manoeuver' on.


I've been spending all my shekels on grEAT trEATs. (:
Steamboat, Outback's, Muthu's Curry, Hong Kong Cafe...just to name a few.

Just a couple of the many (a HUGE selection!!!) decadent delights at HK Cafe...the rest of the photos, I deleted unintentionally.

Ah yes, whole of Orchard road is aglow, almost every shop you set foot in is humming snazzy tunes. Christmas has a way of reaching your living room and hauling you out into a world of irrepressible cheer.

Merry Christmas!
No, I'm not too late. Remember, there's 12 days of Christmas. (:

02 December 2006
7:48 PM

If you want to know what the two weeks hiatus has done for me, it has only resulted in an aching body, a tired mind and a weak heart.

3 more days to THE Birthday. Why, I wish I was a born a Royalty. Then I can have a week's celebration, or maybe even a month.

Daydreams aside, I'm hoping reality don't fail me. Hopefully I'll be on my way to Langkawi or Indo for my post-birthday holiday. Soon. White sandy beach, full body massage, reflexology, blah blah yada. I'm reminding myself that all these good stuffs are worth every excruciating second of wait. Which explains why I'm still in a great mood. (: